Web+Log=Blog. Who knew?

And just a quick thought on blogging itself, and this blog that I’m writing. I wish I could say that I’m writing all this just so friends and family back home can keep updated. But that’s only partially true, and maybe 40% of the reason I’m writing.

I am mainly doing this to record my experiences, and write down all the stuff that I’ll forget within a week or two. It’s effectively like a journal that I make all pretty and put on the internet for the benefit of anyone who cares to read.

Does that make me selfish? Probably. But only 60% selfish, which isn’t too bad. Right? Probably not. I didn’t want this to turn into one of those boring travel blogs that gets updated once a month with a post around the lines of:

“OMG its been so long since I’ve updated this thing.lol. I’m super sry:) I promise to write more;) Travelling is sooooo amazing tho! Now I’m here in (tropical destination) and its so crazyLOL! I love and the people and the food and everything. I met some people from (Western European country or Australia) and they are awesome and tomorrow we are going to (local attraction). I can’t wait!!!1!!111! LOL. I miss my friends I back in (Canada/USA) but Its so great here. Byyyyyyyyeeeee. lol”

Seriously, could you imagine if I actually wrote like that? Full of emoticon and poor grammar….yikes. I hope someone really strong punches me in the teeth if I ever write something like that.

I feel like I’ve (hopefully) achieved something not even close to that. You know, even though I am writing this for slightly more selfish reasons, it’s still motivating knowing that people care and want to know whats going on.

So, I still love you all. Just relax.

That being said. The next post about our trip to Siem Reap + Angkor Wat is a product of having lots of time in the village with unlimited electricity (I know, the staff house in Pursat could be in Cribs if only there was an obligatory Scarface poster). It’s really, really long and not that exciting. So get pumped.

Remember this beauty from Star Fox 64?

“Use bombs wisely”
-Peppy Hare

Shout outs go to Nintendo and David Woods, who reminded me of this winning quote.

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2 Responses to Web+Log=Blog. Who knew?

  1. Jeff says:

    Jeff I am VERY happy you don’t write in that horrible style you described… I wouldn’t ever read this web log if that were true. Keep up the entertaining and mostly grammatically correct writing (I say mostly because there are bound to be a couple of mistakes in there)

  2. David Woods says:

    Yesssss!! Finally got a shout out on the exposure nabbing Jeff Seaman’s blog. It will be no time before my rise to stardom now. Thanks Jeff.

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